Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is the term used to refer to the cooling and dehumidification of the internal environment for thermal comfort. In a broader sense the term can refer to any form of heating, cooling or ventilation that modifies the condition of the air treated.

There are three generic types of air conditioning system, each with many variations:

  • Centralised Air Systems, where all the heating and cooling is carried out in a central plant room and distributed to individual spaces by ductwork.
  • Partially Centralised Systems, where centrally conditioned air is further conditioned when entering the local space.
  • Local systems, where all conditioning is carried out locally.

If a building is air conditioned your assessor will include it in the listing of mechanical systems used in the in the building when calculating the asset rating of your EPC. S/he will need additional details on the cooling parameters of your system; the type of chillers and its seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER).

This information is most likely to be found in existing operating and maintenance manuals, the building logbook or from condition surveys. Alternatively through a site survey or audit an assessor may be able to determine the information through inspection.

Ensure you can provide your assessor with the relevant information.

More about Conditioning Systems