E-Newsletter February 2016


E-Newsletter February 2016

Dear Colleague,

ESOS updates

I think that the Environment Agency are now sending these directly to you, but to make sure that you have seen it, here is their first newsletter of 2016.  Could I draw your attention to the ESOS showcase on page 2?  UKGBC are looking for interesting ESOS case studies.  Richard Griffiths has confirmed that although the published deadline was 29 January, he would still like to hear from you if you have an interesting case study that you would like to promote.

To those of you that have responded to my request for information on how ESOS went for you (January newsletter), thank you for doing that.  To date I have only had half a dozen responses which isn't a very representative sample.  If you had planned to do that but haven't done it yet, could I take this opportunity to prompt you?

CPD update

We are going to be conducting our audit of your CPD records this month, so this is my last opportunity to ask you to make sure that you have recorded your 2015 objectives and your activity completed to achieve those objectives (at least 21 hours) on the CPD website.  This is also a good opportunity for you to set your 2016 objectives if you haven't already.

The Assessment of Energy Performance of Non-domestic Buildings (Scotland) Regulations 2016

These Regulations are currently issued in draft but are set to come into force on 1 September 2016.  These regulations introduce the role of Section 63 advisor, as well as the use of Display Energy Certificates in Scotland for the first time.  We will be working closely with the Building Standards Division in Scotland with the aim of recognising the competence requirements of existing registrants.  I will keep you informed of developments through the year. You can view the draft here.

ISO 50001 update

I reminded you all of the benefits of the LCC Energy Management Systems strand in my December newsletter and mentioned that CIBSE Training and Events were planning to start offering a course to help prepare for the assessment for this Register.  They have now published a list of dates on their website.  For those of you that are in a hurry or have a keen eye for a cost saving opportunity, CIBSE Training and Events are running a pilot for this course on the 23-25 February, which is being offered to you for £600 + VAT, rather than the non-pilot rate of over £1,000 + VAT.  You can book on the pilot course here.

Since I last wrote to you, we have circulated information on an "ESOS to 50001" seminar that we are holding on 16 February.  Details can be found here.  I have been very pleased with the response and the event is almost fully booked.  If you are quick, you might be able to get one of the last few places.  For those of you that are planning to come, I look forward to seeing you on the 16th.


Dr Andrew Geens

Head of CIBSE Certification