E-newsletter January 2019


E-newsletter January 2019

Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the January edition of our CIBSE Certification newsletter. 

Happy New Year! I hope that you had a relaxing and enjoyable festive break.

PEPA Conference 2019
27 February 2019 I Derby

Following the success of the PEPA Conference in Birmingham last year, when we had representatives from MHCLG and BEIS in attendance, PEPA are offering a follow up event this year.

Last year’s Conference gave assessor’s the opportunity to influence the BEIS consultation on the future use of EPCs. This year’s conference will present an update on what has happened since and will again be attended by representatives from both Government Departments; a three-course dinner will also follow the event.

It was good to meet some of you at the event last year, and I am looking forward to meeting more of you this year.

View full details and information on how to book

CPD Audit

We will be auditing all records next month, so if you have not already done so please update your 2018 CPD records to avoid suspension. Visit the CPD requirements webpage for more information.

A few key points to look out for when updating your CPD:

  • Add at least one objective relevant to your registration(s) and assign it to relevant activities
  • Assign your applicable certification scheme to relevant activities up to the hours required for each strand

Update your CPD now.

Kind regards,

Professor Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification