E-Newsletter June 2015


E-Newsletter June 2015

Dear Colleague,


The Environment Agency have published a newsletter with a number of links to useful documents, including a version 2.0 of the ESOS guidance document.  There are some minor points of clarification, but it is good to have the latest version.  You can access the newsletter here.

Advisory Report validity period.

The Department for Communities and Local Government have issued a letter confirming that they are aware that the validity period for Advisory Reports being lodged for buildings over 1000 mis incorrectly being shown as 10 years instead of 7.  The letter also confirms that they plan to correct this within a future system update. 

Here is the content of the letter (for recommendation report read Advisory Report):

Dear Sir or Madam,

Incorrect validity date on recommendation reports for Display Energy Certificates

As you may already know, recommendation reports for DECs on buildings over 1000m2 only are showing the incorrect validity end date when automatically generated from the Non-Domestic Register. Instead of showing the correct validity period of 7 years, they are instead showing 10 years. This applies to any DEC recommendation report with an issue date that is on or after 9th January 2013.

Please would you ask Energy Assessors conducting DEC assessments to highlight to customers during their visit that the validity period will be wrong on any recommendation report the customer has commissioned and has an issue date that is on or after 9th January 2013, when downloaded from the Non Domestic EPC Register website. Please note that the validity dates on the DEC itself are correct.

We recognise that this is an issue, although it won't have any immediate implications for customers until 2020, at which point recommendation reports will expire, but the certificate will still show them as valid. We are currently planning to correct this within a future system update.

Yours sincerely,

This may prove useful if you are having this discussion with a client. The key information is that DCLG acknowledge that it is wrong and that they will correct it. 

Lodgement Portal

In case you haven't seen the message on our Lodgement Portal landing page, Landmark are carrying out work at their end, so you will not be able to lodge certificates between 09:00 – 17:00 on Sunday 7th June.

Part L 2013 on-line assessment

I would like to apologise on behalf of CIBSE Training and Events to those of you that have been having trouble accessing the online assessment.  The problem has been intermittent which doesn't help diagnosis.  I was informed late yesterday that it is now working, so if you have been waiting to hear, you should be able to now complete the online assessment.

CIBSE Building Performance Awards 2016

And finally, some good news from the launch of the Awards.  Entries are being invited for Energy Management Initiative of the year.  This is an excellent opportunity for Low Carbon Consultants or Energy Assessors to work with a client to showcase their best projects and promote their business as well as yours.  Entries opened yesterday, and details can be found at www.cibse.org.

Kind regards, 

Andrew Geens
Head of CIBSE Certification