New advice covering the production of domestic EPCs


The Government has issued advice for people moving house - view advice online

Within this there is advice relating to the production of Domestic EPCs. For those of you that hold Domestic EPC registration this is essential reading. For everyone else that is producing non-domestic certificates it is worth having a look. We are hoping that there will be something similar for the Non-Domestic sector soon. I am picking up that on social media people are speculating on ways to produce EPCs without going to site, but at the moment there is nothing in place that permits the production of a certificate for an existing building without a site visit. 

This is something that we hope will be addressed by advice from the Government Department going forward, possibly by allowing EPCs to be deferred rather than trying to facilitate their production. Realistically, many transactions are going to be put on hold so there may not be many situations where clients are asking for EPCs. I think that it is widely accepted that EPC production is not essential, so even travel to site is not on the permitted list.

Please stay safe and follow Government advice on work and travel.

Whilst writing it might be worth confirming that new build EPCs and DEC renewals, (not ARs), can be completed without the need to visit site.

Please keep an eye on the news section of our website for updates as emails are sometimes missed.

I hope that you are all safe and well, and where needed, that the Government’s financial safety net is going to help.

Kind regards

Andrew Geens
Head of CIBSE Certification Ltd