APEL Route to become a Low Carbon Energy Assessor (LCEA) Air Conditioning Inspector to produce Air Conditioning Reports

CIBSE Certification operates the APEL (Approval of Prior Experience & Learning) Route to certification.  This is a fast, low cost route that recognises your prior experience and learning as an alternative to taking a specific Energy Assessor qualification and can provide certification to the highest quality via an application process.

The Pre-APEL is a FREE assessment of your 2 years of full time equivalent experience in the last 5 years and counts towards your main APEL form.  You will need to demonstrate that you have a minimum of 2 years of equivalent full time substantial experience in the past 5 years in designing, installing (including commissioning), or maintaining air conditioning systems; Level 4 for complex systems or Level 3 for simple systems.  

Register and submit your AC Pre-APEL application here.

If you pass the initial screening of your Pre-APEL you will be able to progress to the full APEL application process.

The Air Conditioning APEL application consists of two stages to achieve certification.

STAGE 1 – Complete the full APEL form online, submitting the following:

1. Proof of Identity –Submit a copy of your passport or driving licence (if for any reason you cannot provide a copy of one of these documents please contact us for further information).

2. Statement & CV – The statement and CV that you have already provided for your Pre-APEL should be submitted again with your main application.  However, if you have been asked at the Pre-APEL stage to amend either of these at the main APEL stage, you should submit a new CV and you will be able to amend the statement. If you have chosen to bypass the Pre-APEL stage you will need to amend both your CV and statement at this stage and pay the assessment fee without your CV and statement being pre-screened.

3. Insurance –Submit an up to date copy of your employer’s Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) certificate (minimum £500,000.00 for Level 4 and £50,000.00 for Level 3 Only applicants).  You also need to provide a copy of your employer’s Public Liability Insurance (PLI) certificate (minimum £1,000,000.00 for both levels 3 & 4).

4. Membership –Submit a copy of your current professional membership’s certificates if applicable.

5. Qualification – List your qualification(s) and submit a copy of your supporting certificates.  The certificates must be verified by the awarding body, senior manager or a client.

6. Continual Professional Development (CPD)– Submit a CPD record for the past two calendar years.  You must have a minimum of 21 hours of CPD activity per year and add at least 1 objective for each year, plus an additional objective for the year that you are applying in.  You will be required to upload certificates for any structured CPD activity. Click here for more information on the CPD requirements. The requirement for CPD is ongoing therefore you are required to complete your record even after achieving registration.

7. NOS Requirements – You must be able to meet the NOS Performance Criteria and Knowledge and Understanding sections of the APEL. Download the NOS for A/C. You may be exempt from completing NOS section 1 of the form if you are a full member of CIBSE or one of the other professional bodies listed in the Table of professional bodies

8. Referee – Provide the name and contact details of your manager/director or senior client representative that has known you for at least 2 years and can verify your APEL application.

9. Code of Conduct – You must read and submit a signed copy of the CIBSE Certification Code of Conduct.

10. Declaration – You will need to read all the Scheme documentation on the Declaration page before submitting your signed APEL form.

11. Assessment fee – Once you have submitted the APEL form you are required to pay a one-off assessment fee; you can do this, by credit/debit card, cheque or BACS, details can be found on the Assessment Fee form included in the application pack. 

STAGE 2 - Submit 3 draft AC inspection reports

1.     Once your APEL has been assessed and you have been given Provisional Approval as an Air Conditioning Inspector you will then be required to submit 3 draft A/C reports for assessment for the level that you are applying for before becoming fully certified as an Air Conditioning Inspector.  

Please download the Scheme Description Document AC Inspections (CCSDD 202) for full information on the Scheme requirements and conditions of Certification.

Exam Information

Knowledge of Approved Document L is a mandatory requirement of the Air Conditioning certification. If you have not passed an LCC exam since April 2022 you will be required to take the online Part L 2021 Update exam which you can book here.

Certification Fees

  • One off non-refundable assessment fee: £450 + VAT (an additional assessment fee of £150 + VAT may be applicable for additional reviews)
  • Annual registration fee: £330 + VAT

If you are already a CIBSE Certification LCEA DEC Assessor or EPC Assessor the annual registration fee is discounted at £150 + VAT