Become a CIBSE Certification Low Carbon Consultant

There are no formal entry requirements to the examination, but it is advised that you familiarise yourself with the level of knowledge expected beforehand and take appropriate training.

  • To join the CIBSE Certification Low Carbon Consultant Design Register you must first pass an examination in the theory and practice of designing buildings for optimal energy performance. More information can be found on the CIBSE Training website
  • To join the CIBSE Certification Low Carbon Consultant Design Register Scotland you must first pass an examination in Section 6 building regulations. More information can be found on the CIBSE Training website 
  • To join the CIBSE Certification Low Carbon Consultant Building Operation Register you must first pass an examination in the theory and practice of operating buildings. More information can be found on the CIBSE Training website
  • To join the CIBSE Certification Low Carbon Consultant Simulation Register evaluation by the software provider will be by assessment after the course. Training is not mandatory but recommended; specific arrangements differ between providers. Certificates will be issued by the software provider to successful candidates. For details of companies currently offering examinations click here. Please contact them directly for information on training and examination dates and fees.
    All LCC Simulation applicants must also demonstrate their ongoing knowledge and understanding in the building regulations and must successfully complete the Part L 2021 Update exam provided by CIBSE Training. Training is not mandatory but may help, more information on the Part L 2021 Update exam and course can be found on the CIBSE Training website.
  • To join the CIBSE Certification Low Carbon Consultant EnMS Register you must first pass an examination in the theory and practice of the implementation of ISO 50001.

We have already identified a number of examination providers that can be used, and they typically also provide training to assist in preparing for assessment if required. There will be other providers of this sort of training which may also be useful preparation. If other training courses include assessment, we may be able to approve that assessment as meeting the requirements for our register. Please contact us if you would like us to consider an assessment that you have passed at

The list identified to date is as follows:

  • CIBSE ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System/Low Carbon Consultant. Information on this course and exam can be found here.
  • BSI ISO 50001 Energy Management System Lead Auditor Course
  • Any IRCA Certified ISO 50001 Energy Management System Course with a minimum of three days of attendance

Successful completion of these courses supported by a certificate will satisfy our assessment requirements for admission to the CIBSE Certification LCC (EnMS) Register.

All candidates including those using an IRCA backed exam certificate will need to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Building Regulations by passing the Part L 2021 Update exam provided by CIBSE Training

Apply to become a CIBSE Certification Low Carbon Consultant

Once you have passed the exam for the LCC strand(s) of your choice you can apply to become a CIBSE Certification LCC by completing the application form and submitting the supporting documentation.

1 - Download the LCC Application pack - complete the application form and sign the CIBSE Certification Code of Conduct

2 - Submit a digital photo of yourself saved as JPEG (taken against a white background where possible) for your ID card

3 - Submit a copy of your employer's Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) certificate. We cannot specify the limit of indemnity but we do recommend a minimum of £100,000.

4 - Pay registration fee - on approval of your application form

Please email completed applications and supporting documentation to

Renewal of Registration 

Registration will be renewed annually. In order to re-register you will need to have undertaken CPD to increase your low carbon skills, for further information on renewing your registration please click here.

To find out more about the key benefits of becoming a LCC click here

If you have a query about any aspect of the Low Carbon Consultants Register email the Certification team at or telephone 020 8772 3649.