Complaints Procedure

The procedure below applies to all disputes and complaints relating to the activities of CIBSE Certification Ltd, or regarding the activities of any person or company certified by CIBSE Certification Ltd.

All disputes and complaints are investigated to ensure that the certification schemes are operating properly and that clients are receiving the appropriate level of service.


Minor disagreements or misunderstandings that are usually easily remedied by verbal (or short written e.g. email) communication and that cause the minimum of disruption. Disputes may not require investigation, corrective or preventive action.

There are more serious events that require investigation and the maintenance of records.


Complaints shall be dealt with in a manner that is transparent, impartial, constructive and timely.
A person that is not directly the subject of the complaint received shall investigate complaints and review and approve all proposed communications to the complainant and the subject of the complaint.


All complaints will be validated to determine that they are related to the certification services offered by CIBSE Certification Ltd. Validation shall include gathering, recording and verifying all necessary information to validate the complaint.
Note: DLUHC certification schemes only: Vexatious complainants may be refused access to the complaints procedure (refer to DLUHC Scheme Operating Requirements (SORs)) for details.
Where the complaint involves activity undertaken by a sub-contract organisation the form and relevant correspondence will be forwarded to that organisation for investigation and response. In any case a copy of all complaints information is held by CIBSE Certification Ltd.
The cost of investigating complaints will be passed on to the party complained about if it is upheld, but will be borne by the complainant if the complaint is not upheld at the discretion of the Head of Certification.
The complainant will be advised by letter or email acknowledging receipt of the complaint and that the matter is under investigation.
Complainants will not be deprived of their legal rights by participating in the customer complaints process.


Under normal circumstances the following timescales shall be met:

  • All complaints shall be acknowledged within 24 working hours of its receipt
  • All complaints shall be responded to in full within 7 working days

Where these timescales cannot be met the complainant will be advised and thereafter kept informed of progress thereafter at suitable intervals, but in any case not more than 7 working days apart.

A copy of the CIBSE Certification Complaints procedure can be downloaded here.

Please ensure that you make all complaints in writing and send them to