E-newsletter April 2022


E-newsletter April 2022

Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the April edition of the CIBSE Certification newsletter.

Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) issues

We are increasingly hearing of issues that some of you are having with renewing PI Insurance, either premium increases or business declined.

The Construction Leadership Council is conducting a survey to gather information on the scale and nature of the problem.

There is an article on the CIBSE website with commentary on the initial survey conducted last year and a link to take part at this stage. If you are a member of CIBSE you have already been told about this, but I would like to encourage everyone to read the article and take part in the survey if you think this is affecting your business. 

CIBSE - Building Services News and Policy

PEPA Virtual Conference 2022

Those of you already booked will know that this has been re-scheduled to 27 April to improve the attendance of government representatives as more information becomes available on a variety of new legislation and initiatives affecting our sector.
Latest speaker information and Eventbrite booking facility can be found on the PEPA website.

Events – PEPA (pepassociation.org)

Part L 2021 Update

As you are all aware there has been an update to Part L and as a CIBSE Certification registrant you will be required to prove your competence in the update in the way of an assessment.  

You can complete any training courses on the update if you wish but CIBSE Training are offering an online assessment that we can accept as demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of the changes. They are also offering training but there is the option to just take the assessment. If your chosen training provider is also offering an assessment we can, on request, determine whether that is an acceptable alternative to the assessment offered by CIBSE.  

The software update training that is being offered by software vendors is useful CPD which we encourage, but it is not a substitute for the assessment that is required for ongoing registration.

As with previous changes to the Building Regulations, we are requiring all our registrants to demonstrate their ongoing knowledge and understanding. I have been asked by a few people why Air Conditioning inspectors or Heat Networks Consultants are being assessed for their knowledge of the new Building Regulations, and it is simply that in the case of air conditioning inspectors, to make sure that any recommendations that they make in their reports are made in the knowledge of minimum requirements for air conditioning kit, and for Heat Networks Consultants that they understand their interaction with the wider design team in the context of the Regulations.

A good knowledge of Building Regulations relating to energy performance is a reasonable expectation of anyone associated with a CIBSE Certification Register.

CIBSE Certification Code of Conduct

The CIBSE Certification Code of Conduct has been revised.  

Please download the new version (revision 14) from the CIBSE Certification website and return a signed copy to epc@cibsecertification.org by Tuesday 31 May 2022 to avoid suspension of your registration(s). 

If you have any queries you can contact CIBSE Certification at the usual email address epc@cibsecertification.org

CIBSE Certification logos

We have noticed that quite a few of our registrants are still using old versions of the logos on their documentation, email signatures and websites.

LCEAs can download the logos and guidance from the Downloads section of the Lodgement Portal.  All other Low Carbon Consultants (LCCs), ESOS Lead Assessors and Heat Networks Consultants can request them from us at epc@cibsecertification.org

Request for expression of interest from Air Conditioning Assessors

We are planning to get involved in the development of a scheme for certifying inspectors of ventilation hygiene equipment conforming with an NHS Standard. As part of the development there may be an opportunity to complete some (paid) survey work to test the methodology. We anticipate this work will closely align with the competencies of air conditioning inspectors.

If you are on our Register and would like to express an interest please write for my attention to epc@cibsecertification.org

Kind regards,

Professor Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification Ltd.