E-newsletter December 2015


E-newsletter December 2015

Dear Colleague,

I have had the following notification from the SBEM team at the BRE:

We are pleased to inform you of the release of the new UK-NCM website (www.uk-ncm.org.uk) along with the updated release of iSBEM_v5.2.g.

The new release of iSBEM_v5.2.g implements the Scottish 2015 NCM and can be used for assessing compliance with the Scotland 2015 Section 6. Functionality for generating Scotland EPC, Scotland Green Deal Advisory Reports, and Scotland Section 63 assessments is included within the tool but is not yet implemented on the Scottish EPC register. Until this is announced, iSBEM_v4.1e should continue to be used for lodgment of EPCs and Green Deal Advisory Reports.

This version of the software also maintains the following purposes of analysis, which have not undergone any changes compared to iSBEM v5.2.d: Compliance with Part L 2013 in England, EPC England, Compliance with Part L 2014 in Wales, EPC Wales, Green Deal assessments for buildings in England or Wales, and Jersey 2007 Building Bye-laws Part 11.

Please note that this is not just of interest in Scotland as this software version is also suitable for use in England, Wales and Jersey.  Section 63 is also something that may be of interest to everyone reading.  Full details, as currently published, can be found using the following link.


ESOS Update

In my most recent conversation with the Environment Agency I picked up some interesting information and was asked to pass it on to you, so in no particular order:

By the third week in November there had been 1085 notifications of ESOS Reports being complete, and 1300 saved partially complete notifications.  There were also 145 notifications for missing the 5th December deadline.

For those of you that are planning to complete the notification for your clients and have some of the information to hand already, it is recommended that you part complete and save, leaving as little as possible to the last minute when the site is expected to be busy which might make it slow.  If your clients are making the notification you could offer them that advice.

I know that some of you have been reluctant to take on ESOS work where you think that there is no prospect of meeting any of the required dates, but the view from the Environment Agency is that as long as you make it clear to your clients that you will miss the dates, they would rather the reports are completed late rather than not at all.  The non-compliance risk is with the prospective client whether they appoint you or not.

Further details are available in the EA newsletter No 8.

LCC ENMS Register Open to New Registrants

Well, it was never closed but in the absence of training or, critically, assessment opportunities it just seemed like it.  There are a number of reasons behind the growth in interest in ISO 50001 certification and our move to become accredited to certify Energy Management Systems was driven by this.  This, and the number of people on our ESOS Register that have listed ISO 50001 as one of their specialisms, has prompted me to remind everyone that we have the register.  This is not a new development, and does not affect the Energy Management System pioneers already on the register.

As with the other LLC strands, there is an assessment requirement to be on this register.  The competency being assessed is the ability to assist organisations to implement an ISO 50001 compliant Energy Management System, or to carry out an internal auditing activity on systems already set up by in-house energy managers.  Whilst there are no formal requirements for carrying out this sort of work and experience will be an important criterion for clients looking for a consultant, I think that our assessment and certification process, and public register of those certified, will be useful for individuals promoting this service and also for companies looking for the expertise.  The difference between listing the specialism on the ESOS register and this register is that the ESOS specialisms are self-declared, whereas the LCC EnMS listing will be on the basis of independent assessment.

Unlike the other LCC strands, there is already an established market for ISO 50001 training and to a lesser extent assessment, but for those that are looking for some training prior to assessment, CIBSE Training and Events are planning training courses for this purpose.  Those of you that have taken other training and/or have suitable experience can choose to take the assessment directly without the training.  It is likely that we will be able to accept people onto the register on the basis of assessment that has already been undertaken, but this would be subject to a review of equivalence by us.  Initially, I will ask people to nominate assessment for consideration and as we review and confirm equivalence I will be able to publish a list to make things easier.  The list will not be exhaustive and the opportunity to bring new assessment forward will remain.

Heat Networks Consultants Register

This register was launched in the summer to support individuals working with clients to implement heat network systems using the CIBSE Code of Practice. I’m pleased to report that CIBSE Training and Events are offering a training programme in support of this.

ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems

We have applied to UKAS to extend our Management Systems accreditation to cover ISO 9001.  As part of our approval process we need to conduct an audit of an ISO 9001 system to demonstrate that our systems work, and then we need to conduct another under observation from UKAS auditors.  To facilitate this, we are looking for some volunteer companies, ideally in London or the South East that have an ISO 9001 system in place that they would be willing for us to audit.  This wouldn’t necessarily be with a view to us certifying the system, however if that was a requirement, the initial certification costs would be suitably “volunteer” discounted.  If you think that you may be able to help with this please get in touch atepc@cibsecertification.organd I will contact you.

CPD Records

If you haven’t been keeping your CPD record up to date this year, now is a good time for me to remind you before you forget what you have done.  The CPD year is January to December, so we will be auditing CPD records after the 31st December.

Christmas and New Year Period

As is usual practice, CIBSE will be closed from the 25th December to the 3rd January inclusive.  I know that those of you that lodge certificates may want to lodge during this period.  The main thing to remember if you are planning to do this is to make sure that you have enough lodgement credits.  The quickest way to get these on the system is to order them on the telephone by contacting Danielle Milton on 020 8772 3618.  This will need to be done by 12.00 on the 24th.  If your insurance covers runs out during this period, you will need to make sure that we have had the new details to update on the system in good time as well.  Although the office will be closed, I will be monitoring the lodgement portal and ticketing system occasionally through this period, so if you are having a problem I may be able to help sooner than the 4th January.

I am the first to complain that the shops have got their decorations up too early and ask why they are playing Christmas songs already, but this is my last e-newsletter of the year.  (Pause for the ahh).

So I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a good break as businesses shut down over the festive period.  I hope that you have felt the benefit of some of the new things that we have facilitated this year, and I look forward to there being more next year.  One thing you can be sure of when it comes to promoting your expertise. I am behind you.


Andrew Geens

Head of CIBSE Certification