E-newsletter March 2021


E-newsletter March 2021

Dear Colleague,

Please find your March newsletter below.

March Webinar
SECR: Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting
14.00-15.00 (GMT) | Tuesday 16 March

This month’s webinar is being presented by Geri Findlay of Sustainable Footprints who is one of our ESOS Lead Assessors.

Geri will be giving us her take on what we can do to support our clients with the SERC requirement.

Register now

Consultation on Part L and F of the Building Regulations

This consultation is the second stage of a 2-part consultation on proposed changes to Part L (Conservation of fuel and power) and Part F (ventilation) of the Building Regulations. It builds on the Future Homes Standard consultation by setting out energy and ventilation standards for non-domestic buildings, existing homes and includes proposals to mitigate against overheating in residential buildings.

Consultation deadline: 13 April 2021

Find out more

In tandem with this consultation, changes are also being proposed in the UK NCM.

DesignBuilder Discount

DesignBuilder are currently offering CIBSE Certification Energy Assessors a discount on their online software training courses. The DSM course is designed to prepare you for the exam required for certification. 

To access this discount, you can use this code:  T10-CIBSE-MARCHAPRIL2021

This discount is valid on the following courses:

  • SBEM
  • DSM
  • Overheating

Browse courses now

Reminder - Lodgement Credit Charges

As reported previously, MHCLG have been working out what their ongoing costs for the new register are with the intention of changing their fee with effect from 5 April, give or take a day. It is expected that this will be a large reduction.

I will be able to confirm the details when I write next month, but I am telling you now so that you don’t buy more credits than you reasonably expect to use between now and April. With the convenience of buying online, it should not be too onerous to do this.  

This is my last opportunity to remind you of this.  When I write next month it will be to tell you what the new fee is.

Kind regards,

Professor Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification Ltd.