E-newsletter May 2019


E-newsletter May 2019

Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the May edition of our CIBSE Certification newsletter. 

iSBEM 5.4b

For those that missed the announcement on the Lodgement Portal during April, CIBSE Certification has been informed of an important update in the EPC software that affected lodgements after the 9 April 2019. The ability to create xml files and lodge Non-Domestic EPCs using SBEM version 5.4.b for England and Wales has been be switched off.

We advise our EPC assessors to update their software to the latest version at their earliest convenience. For i-SBEM users, the latest versions of i-SBEM for all regions are available online, the third-party software users should contact their software providers and ask for instructions on how to update their software packages to the latest version.

Audits of EPCs, DECs and ACIRS

We have noticed that a lot of assessors are clicking submit in the QA Portal with only partial evidence uploaded, or with a link to evidence when they have been having a problem uploading evidence.

Please do not use the submit button unless you are satisfied that all of the evidence has actually been uploaded.

Once Submit is used, the function is closed and we cannot easily upload further evidence, so if you are experiencing any sort of problem please email us at epc@cibsecertification.org so that we can help.

Kind regards,

Professor Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification