E-newsletter May 2020


E-newsletter May 2020

Dear Colleague

Welcome to the May Newsletter.

We recognise that this is a difficult time for all businesses and hope that you are able to conduct as much of your business as possible whilst ensuring the safety of yourself and others. We hope that by maintaining our support we are doing what we can to support your endeavour. 

If you have any specific questions, please use the usual email channel epc@cibsecertification.org

PEPA website updates

As I have said in previous newsletters we are co-ordinating our COVID-19 responses, advice and support with the other EPB schemes and our trade association PEPA.

PEPA have been in regular dialogue with MHCLG and have issued a new statement today along with a new resources kit updating all of the information on financial support for individuals and businesses at this time. There will soon be more information from the Government on how any restrictions on property professionals will be changed as part of the strategy to return to a more normal footing. This will also be communicated via the PEPA website.

View the PEPA website
Webinar series

This month we will be running the following webinar:

CHP Operation – Financial and carbon savings
15.00-16.00 (BST) | Monday 18 May

Presented by Andrew Gardner, a Director at 2EA.

This webinar will quickly explain the CHP technology before developing useful worked examples from a real building case study to illustrate how you can calculate both the financial benefits and the carbon benefits of operating a CHP system.

Find out more and register now

Call for volunteers. We are still looking for others to take part in webinars.

A few words of encouragement for those on the verge of volunteering:

Yes, other people will find what you do interesting
Yes, you can record it as CPD activity
No, it is not difficult or nerve wracking. It is not like speaking to a room full of people, it feels more like making a phone call.


Kind regards,

Professor Andrew Geens
BEng (Hons) PhD CEng FCIBSE
Head of CIBSE Certification Ltd.