Renewing your CIBSE Certification registration?

Renewal notifications are sent by email to all registrants.  The notification requests confirmation of your contact details as well as the compliance items in the checklist below.  

We only use your email address for important competence related information and we recommend that you do not opt out of this communication.

Compliance checklist

 Please make sure you have:

  • Submitted an up to date copy of your employer’s Professional Indemnity (PII) and/or Public Liability Insurance (PLI) certificates. It is a scheme requirement that you continue to provide up to date insurance information whilst listed on our registers.
  • Completed your CPD record online as detailed in CIBSE Certification document CCP 111 – CPD Requirements. All registrants must be able to demonstrate that they remain in good ‘professional standing’ by engaging in appropriate Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities.
  • Signed the latest CIBSE Certification Code of Conduct. All registrants are bound by the CIBSE Certification Code of Conduct and you agree to abide by the rules of the Code and to uphold the core values and principles of CIBSE Certification Ltd. Download the Certification Code of Conduct.
  • An up to date software certificate for all LCC Simulation and EPC assessors
  • Declared any unspent convictions that are relevant to your registration since the initial registration or last renewal that would affect your declaration of being a fit and proper person.
  • Submitted a passport style photograph for your digital ID card. ID cards are issued to all registrants with a certificate and are valid for the registration term. 

Your registration card and certificate(s) for 2024/25 will be issued shortly after your payment has been received and processed provided that you have not been suspended for any compliance reason since your invoice was raised.  

You will then be sent a link to enable you to access your digital certificate and ID card.

The CIBSE Certification fee sheet is available here.

For any assistance please e-mail

Please ensure payment is made by 31 October 2024.

If your subscription remains outstanding after this date, your certification will be suspended and you will no longer be able to:

  • Call yourself a Low Carbon Consultant, Low Carbon Energy Assessor, Air Conditioning Inspector, ESOS Lead Assessor, Heat Networks Consultant, Management Systems Specialist or NABERS Licensed Assessor
  • Use the CIBSE Certification logo(s) and marketing materials
  • Be listed on the online registers
  • Access technical support and competitively priced lodgements with bulk discounts
  • Receive the monthly newsletter 

If you require any assistance please contact the Certification team at or telephone 020 8772 3649.